Blog, Quality Control Companies

3 Types of Audits That Protect Your Supply Chain

When you are having goods manufactured overseas, it can present some challenges for quality control. Since you’re not in the country where the product is being made, you can’t just drive over to the facility and check how things are being done or going any time you want, and it’s likely you can’t keep hopping on a plane to do that, either. One way to help minimize the financial and associated risks in this situation is by using some common audits to help you verify the reliability, legitimacy and trustworthiness of your suppliers in your chain.

Social compliance audit

Also known as social audits, social accountability audits or ethical audits, these types of audits are used to monitor and verify your supplier’s working conditions for compliance with the relevant labor standards. These also help brands manage the social compliance risks that could harm their reputation. Factory disasters such as fires, unethical labor practices and other troubles can all bring negative publicity for a brand and cause irreparable harm to its image on the global stage.

First assessment audit

The first assessment audit is used to understand the production capabilities of a supplier and their internal quality controls. The auditors you hire will actually physically visit your new supplier’s facility to see what the practices and conditions there are. They will also review all relevant certificates and documents the facility has; examine its human resource policies, including management and working conditions; take a look at samples; explore the history of the facility; and identify its current organizational members.

One of the big benefits of this audit is that it will allow you to weed out “bad” suppliers or ones who simply cannot handle your product despite their promise to do so. After all, you don’t want to find out a supplier can’t handle an order after you waited weeks for it. You will be able to gain insight into a supplier before deciding to make a full run of a product there, and the results could very well prevent you from making a very expensive mistake.

Full monitoring audit

For this audit, an experienced professional inspector will evaluate your supplier in accordance with global ISO 9001 quality standards. Taking over two days to complete, this audit is performed at the production site itself. You’ll receive more insight into the background of your supplier’s business and gain a clear window into their practices, procedures and internal standards. Not only does this type of audit protect your business, but it’s also a way to establish your sourcing relationship with your supplier over the long term.

Using overseas suppliers can be very beneficial to a business as long as it’s done with oversight on the ground. Work with a qualified quality audit services in the Philippines provider to ensure you know what you are going to get before you place your order.

Blog, Product Testing Companies

LED Display Tests Ensure Product Performance and Safety

Picture a customer buying a product with an LED display from your company. They’re thrilled with the function and design as it is stated on the packaging and can’t wait to start using it at their home or business.

Now, imagine them plugging it in and turning it on only to be met with a non-working display or one that just doesn’t look right. Immediately, they are complaining not only to you, but possibly the place they brought it from and online on review websites and social media. Soon enough, other customers are complaining about similar issues, and you’re caught in a whirlwind of bad publicity that causes your sales to plummet. Even after you fix the issues, there are still customers you will never win back and negative reviews that will be available for others to see for months–likely even years–after the incident.

To avoid this nightmare scenario, have a professional inspection service perform an LED display test on your products before they ever go out to the public. Not only will the inspector verify the display works as intended, but they will also confirm the product is safe and in step with any relevant safety standards and regulations. Electrical products can pose an additional safety risk to consumers, so this is a vital benefit that comes with this type of testing.


What LED tests look for?

During your LED tests, the inspector will perform various checks to ensure everything is working as it should. This includes an exam of the cabinet the LED will be housed in and how waterproof it is in terms of protecting the display itself from water damage, the assembly process, the system display and controls, the calibration, brightness and uniformity of the display, and how the display handles heat and dissipation. Inspectors will also perform a vibration test to ensure all internal components are fixed properly, check the LED specifications and ensure your product matches up, and review the parts list, packaging, and shipping documents for your LED display.


Adjust your product before it leaves the facility

With your LED display test, you will have the chance to modify parts of your product to correct issues the inspectors have identified. Not only does this help ensure product quality, but it also gives you a chance to fix issues before the product leaves the facility. This can save you time and money, as the inspectors will be able to suggest solutions to your supplier and, if the problem is more severe, consult with you about what they found.

Protect your product, company reputation and bottom line by making sure your LED displays work as they should before they ever end up leaving the production facility. Work with a professional inspection company to ensure your LED products are safe and working properly when they reach your customer’s homes.

Blog, China Inspection Company

Staying Strong Until The End

Let’s face it: there’s a lot that goes into the production process. From start to finish, there are many steps that need to be taken to ensure full quality control and high standards throughout. From initial assessments to full production audits and pre shipment inspection in China, there is a lot that goes into the process.

Inspecting the End Result

Having the help and guidance of an inspection company that can audit and inspect throughout all stages of the production and shipping process is ideal. Checking the quality of work at each stage is important, but so is checking that all of the rules and regulations are being followed, not only on the production line but within the company as well. Social audits can also be done to check that employees are being treated fairly and ethically.

There is an all-important final random inspection that can be completed right near the end of the production process. This inspection involves a lot of checks to the end product itself. Things that will be inspected include the size and weight of the product as well as its quality, appearance, functionality and packaging. Checking your items before they ship ensures you have full control over what the consumers are receiving. Knowing you have inspected thoroughly at this stage benefits everyone.

The end result of the production process should include a perfect box or crate of items ready to be shipped. The shipping container needs to be loaded properly, but first an inspection will help ensure the end product is up to scratch. Container loading supervision is a service that entails an inspection of quantity levels, packaging and product specs, container loading and size, and all aspects of this step of the process.

Why Call A Professional?

You might think that you can just carry out inspections and audits yourself or have an internal team work on it. However, the best way forward is to hire professional inspectors and auditors to cover this part of the process.

Getting a trusted company to take over inspections throughout the entire production process benefits your business in the long run. That is because the professional inspectors will create fully unbiased reports to help you find any weak spots in the process. The last leg of the process is of the utmost importance to check that nothing had been missed. The packaging and any important information on it should be fully intact. The containers used for shipping should be filled properly, with all regulations followed. Last but certainly not least, all workers involved in the process should have checks to ensure their rights are being upheld.

Following the advice of an experienced inspection specialist will set your business on the right track. Having these inspections and audits at every step of the way keeps everything running smoothly.

Blog, quality control companies in Myanmar

The Basics Of Audits

Quality control and company audits are a standard practice in China. For nearby Myanmar, similar processes will need to be in place for any company to run successfully. If you are considering a company audit in Myanmar, you will first need to understand the basic options you have to decide what is best for your business.

The Various Stages

There are a few stages to a fully comprehensive audit. While it is possible to break the audit into different parts and partake in only one or two, it is always recommended to take on a full monitoring audit. This means all parts of the audit process are done over a few days to ensure everything is going well from start to finish.

As you can imagine, the various audit options come at different parts of the production timeline. Starting at the beginning, the first assessment audit deals a lot with paperwork and records as well as the plans for the beginning stages of production. This includes checking out the human resources plans, the various relationships you have with suppliers, and the all-important document verification to ensure everything is up to speed.

The full monitoring audit mentioned earlier is the main type of audit you likely think of when you are using a new supplier. It usually takes a few days to fully check out every part of the production process so you can be sure you are working with the highest quality standards possible. With this type of audit, you can easily and quickly tell if a supplier is worth working with or if they will potentially give you problems down the line.

Last but certainly not least is what is called the social audit. The social audit includes checks for all laws and regulations in regards to workers. This includes appropriate compensation, working hours, child labor, and other types of human resources checks.

It’s All About Preparation

If you are wondering why you should use the services of an outside auditor, think about the importance of quality control. Having a reliable and well-known company and products are imperative to having a successful business. An auditor can help you enjoy your practices and production are within the correct standards and are following all regulations.

Preparation is key with any large business. Being sure to check all of the boxes when taking on new suppliers can not only give you peace of mind but also help the business grow. Being able to continue production with minimal interruption is always an important undertaking. Having experienced auditors can really help in the process.

Taking part in a full company audit in Myanmar or China can only benefit a company or business. Using this type of outside service gives you an unbiased and incredibly helpful overview which allows your business to improve, grow and thrive.