12 November 2021

Things to do when product inspections fail

You need to make sure your orders meet all requirements as a buyer. To ensure that both you and your supplier are on the same page, you should confirm the acceptable standards before placing the order.

The best inspection company in Vietnam, Guangdong Inspection, explains that pre-shipment product inspection helps determine the quality of goods. Pre-shipment inspections that fail are not ideal. However, this is just a brief hiccup in your shipment. Simply request that the supplier correct the highlighted defects. In addition to the initial inspection, suppliers must also conduct any follow-up inspections.

Is there anything you should do when a product inspection report fails, and what are the causes of failure? Please find the answers below.

A list of quality control mistakes in the manufacturing

There are numerous reasons why pre-shipment product inspections may fail. Some of the most common causes of failure are:

  • Poor packaging makes the products appear unattractive.
  • When a product’s label contains inaccurate or incomplete information, the label is incorrect.
  • Product quality that is not up to standards.
  • Inconsistent reporting of quantities, where the number of goods requested or reported is not consistent with the number of goods shipped.
  • Products with poor aesthetic appeal — products that do not match the expectations of buyers.

Product inspection reports typically fail for the following reasons. For future shipments, factories must fix these issues to prevent losing business.

Revision of a defective product inspection report

The following steps should be followed after a pre-shipment product inspection turns out to be unsuccessful:

● Communicate and identify the issues

What was the reason for the inspection’s failure? Are you sure that’s the only reason? Do you have any other theories? Make sure the products are thoroughly inspected and defects are noted.  You must be in constant communication with the supplier, as he or she may not be aware of these defects.

● Create a Supplier Corrective Action Report

The supplier corrective action report summarizes the findings of your inspection. This report outlines various issues, their alleged causes, and possible solutions. Additionally, you should ensure that your report is clear. Exclude minor defects and suggestions from the list, because too many defects and suggestions will only extend the correction period.

● Make sure your shipments are in good condition

Suppliers will do everything possible to resolve all concerns promptly. Do not trust their word — double-check shipments before the clearance. When placing future orders, you may also suggest preventative and corrective measures the supplier should take.

Wrapping Up

Money is a valuable resource, and you deserve to get the most from it. Therefore, before approving, ensure that the report is excellent. The exceptional services of quality control companies like Guangdong Inspection can help you avoid mistakes that may seem insignificant and troublesome.