04 November 2020

Explaining The Whys Of Inspections And Audits

Cleanliness, production process regulations, labor laws — there are so many important safety factors to contend with in a factory setting. Keeping tabs on everything when the work is taking place in another country can be extremely challenging. To ensure all of these rules and regulations are being followed, it’s important to have inspections and audits to ensure the quality of each step of the production process is upheld to the highest of standards.

With safety and quality being two main criteria for every aspect of a production line, it’s helpful to keep these items in mind as you go through the different stages of an inspection. Use an inspection team with plenty of experience to guide you through the process so you can rest assured things are in order from the start all the way to the pre shipment inspection in China.


Having a clean environment on a production line is a basic necessity, not just to protect your products but also the people who are making them. Keeping items clean and free of germs should be standard business practice. Health and safety are important components of any inspection or audit. Auditing a provider’s facilities covers many aspects of the production process, step by step. Throughout each step, cleanliness can be reviewed so there are no surprises down the line.

Production process

The actual production process is made up of multiple steps. Many of these steps or stages are dependent on what items are being produced, but there are some standard steps involved in every process. Having inspections or audits for the entire production process is one of the main ways to ensure that every step is following the correct protocol and that no corners are being cut.

Pre shipment inspection in China

After the goods are produced, they must then be prepared for shipment. This is the final step before the products make their way to the recipients, and all items must be fully accounted for and double-checked. Auditing this phase of the process can help ensure that the quality and quantity are meeting expectations every time. At the same time, the shipping method is being inspected to make sure that the timelines you have promised customers are being followed.


Labor laws may differ from country to country, but they all have the health and safety of the workers in mind. Auditing and inspecting how the workers in the factories are being treated is of the utmost importance. Everyone should be treated fairly and any rules, laws or regulations that are not being followed need to be dealt with right away.

Looking at all of the aspects of the production process from start to finish, it’s clear that safety is a top priority in any inspection, including the pre shipment inspection in China. When you set high standards and expect top quality, an inspection is the best way to make sure your chosen production company is living up to your expectations.