05 February 2020

4 Crucial Areas of the Pre-Inspection Check

During a pre-inspection check, your goods are examined before they leave the facility to be shipped to you or your customers for delivery. Although sometimes overlooked, this is a vital part of any solid quality-control process.

When your items are inspected before they make their way to their final destination, problems or mistakes are caught right in the manufacturing facility, as opposed to you or your customers discovering them later. This saves time and money, and it can also prevent your customers from being upset about your product or because of shipping delays. Having to return products after you receive them because of flaws will lengthen the entire production-to-consumer process.

The Product Count

Many things can happen in a busy factory, from the shipping of the wrong quantity of product to an error in the delivery address that slows down the journey to the proper destination or results in products getting lost. For your business to retain its credibility, you need to be able to meet the demand for your products without sacrificing your deadlines, and this means having the right amount of product shipped to you correctly when you need it. That’s why, during a pre shipment inspection in China, the inspectors will check packages, confirm the quantity is correct and verify the shipping address is right.

The Products’ Appearance

Naturally, your goods need to have the quality you and your customers expect. This is why the inspectors will examine a product’s overall appearance, looking for errors and flaws, and will check areas such as branding, materials used and design against the product details you have provided. This is done to ensure your products appear as you intended them to. Protecting your brand and your reputation with your customers is the ultimate result.

The Product’s Function And Safety

All your customers will expect a functional, safe and working product. The inspections will include product tests to validate design suitability, safety, function and usage. Without these types of checks, you could end up sending out malfunction products to customers, and that’s at best. At worst, you could send out dangerous products that will cause major damage to your company’s reputation and potentially open your brand up to legal liability for any incidents connected to the unsafe products.

The Product Labeling

One of the most commonly neglected areas of manufacturing, labeling is actually quite important. Labels communicate product contents, quantity, transport stye, and the origin location of a product. Since a lack of important details on a label can lead to lost or misused items and angry customers, the inspectors will review your product labels to confirm all the information is there and accurate.

Quality is king among the savvy consumers of today, so if you have not yet contacted a professional inspection company for services in China, now is the time to get in touch.