
Pre- Shipment Report (PSI) for USA watch company

According to our Inspection Standard ISO2859, Product quantity/Product/Conformity/Reliability/function tests were all correct, but packaging and workmanship appearance / function are still pending because packaging will be done later on the 16th Jan. They have showed us the packaging for watches and watch heads already. Some defects were found in workmanship appearance as follows;

Logo Not Straight-24
Broken Strap-1
Straps Upside down-3
Map Logo Upside Down-3
Buckle Plated Issue-10
Buckle too tight-8

1, Please note there is the same issue for all the watches with the buckles having little scratches under the little hook (Refer to pictures below)
2, Broken strap has been replaced on sight.
3, For the logo not straight, they will change the surface.
4, Straps upside down& Map logo upside down issue has been fixed on sight.
5, Buckle plated issue, they will do polish treatments.
6, Scratches issue, they will change the straps.

Comment: There is no defect for watch heads and sliver straps.

Reliability & Function tests:

Movement Check- PASS
Diamond Surface Testing -PASS

For further information on the whole PSI process, please see below.

What is a Pre-Shipment Inspection Report (PSI)?
Before shipping out, our team initiates a Pre-shipment Inspection Report with your Chinese supplier. This service is available either at the vendor’s office or in-factory. This is done to ensure that your products fully conform to the agreed specs and there is no dispute over the details of your order.

What do we look for during a PSI?

We carefully inspect according to the following criteria:
1. Product quantity
2. Packing
3. Product conformity
4. Workmanship appearance / function
5. Reliability/function tests
6. Measurements
7. Our inspection is supported by clear photos to show the finest details of our work, we photograph the packing, appearance, any defects, bad workmanship, etc.

We clearly photograph the measurements, as well as the function tests, for example, done by stacking weights, etc