What is During Production Inspection (DUPRO) or in
process quality control?
DUPRO quality inspection is the process
of checking prepared and packaged products that are ready to be
shipped. It takes place in the Chinese factory once the production
process has begun but before it is completed.
What do we look for during DUPRO?
We work to ensure that your order meets
your expectations for appearance or Acceptance Quality Limit
(AQL), workmanship, size, weight, functionality, appendages,
artwork, packaging, packing, and any other special requirements
pertaining to the product or its destination or from your specific
quality control checklist. DUPRO also includes provisions for raw
materials, unfinished products, and production planning.
Benefits of DUPRO:
DUPRO gives you the ability to
interface with an already ongoing production process, introduce
responsive measures, and take pulse of your quality control expectations.
Not to mention forecasting an on-schedule production cycle. We
accomplish this by examining actual production volume to foresee
any delays of your shipment inspection. This foresight allows you
to step in during the production process and make any necessary
changes while remaining on-schedule.
Mirroring golden sample quality with the rest of your production
Diagnose production issues to prevent excess defective items.
Snapshot of adherence to AQL.
Comprehensive investigation of the production process:
Stop cost overruns and production delays.
Why should I request Guangdong Inspection DUPRO
To monitor your
ongoing production process and intervene (if necessary) especially
if you haven’t already taken advantage of our Initial Production
Check (IPC) or similar service. This can also aid your supplier
compliance efforts.
Examples of
products that we inspect:

Where do we inspect?

We carry out
inspections / audits in most cities of China:
Quality control in Shenzhen, Dongguan,
Guangzhou (Canton), Foshan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Ningbo, Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin,
Shenzen, Wenzhou.
Available configurations: